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Prototype Utility Tool Knives from 2010-2011

Prototype Utility Tool Knives from 2010-2011

Contact Utility Tool Knives

Thank you for your interest in Utility Tool Knives, but are no longer in business.

For years the focus has been on creating innovative and tough tools for our trusted customers.  In spite of our good efforts, and they have been immense, too many assumptions have been proven to be unfounded.  It makes no sense to continue on in the current economic environment.

This is not an isolated incident as many small firms no longer exist that were going concerns a few years ago.  Those remaining in operation have been subject to challenges in a business atmosphere that only marginally reflects a free market; they have been stretched to the breaking point and continue to face difficulties, mostly not of their own making.  Please continue to support small businesses as they are the economic engine of progress.  Enough said.

To everyone that has invested in a Utility Tool, your trust is truly appreciated; to everyone who contacted Utility Tool, thank you for your interest in our project.

Please continue to be safe in your future adventures.

Utility Tool

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